четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

attribute health

Yesterday was a day of unpleasant sensations on the bus. Got on one and it was way too hot; furthermore I had to stand in the back part, which is always weird because itapos;s elevated and you canapos;t really see out the windows. Thatapos;s headache time. Also, this particular bus was filled with a near tactile aroma of schweat. Couldnapos;t get out of there fast enough. Later, on another one, this girl gets on with some kind of sausage thing and proceeds to share its aura with the rest of the bus. I see you gettinapos; on with that thing...youapos;re going to sit right by me, arenapos;t you? And talk on a cell phone? Go on.

Also saw a girl on the (latter) bus that kind of looked like a friendapos;s mom from grade 7, whom I have not even once thought of since grade 7. One of those completely bizarre recollections of someone so peripheral it makes you think "shit, brain, what are you doing up there?" How great would it be if I could use this kind of thing for the good of us all?

And I found a D10 on the floor in a bathroom at school yesterday. *shrug* Didnapos;t really inspect it.

Iapos;m not doing homework because Iapos;m watching the Venture Bros and Gaki no Tsukai. Distraction. Maybe soup will fix that.

*time lapse footage of me eating soup*

That soup did nothing.

*laugh track and credits roll*

fishing mitchell reel spool, attribute health, attribute hard man working, attribute guild war.

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