воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

am i schizophrenic quiz

Day 0: The Flight

Thursday, October 16th,�4:45AM

Thursday, the day we left for Japan. I slept brokenly up until 4:45AM where, after I woke up from a strange dream (involving a family renunion that somehow turned into a Sailor Moon cosplay battle thing between Negaverse Generals and Sailor Senshi...) and figured "Hey, weapos;ve got about...one hour before we leave, why not just wake up now?"

So I sleepily got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom to take a much needed shower. For some reason my hair ends up greasy by the time I sleep--I blame the shampoo.

After my shower I got dressed, dragged my laptop bag and suitcase downstairs, and settled down to nap on the couch until my dad got up some 30 minutes later.

Not long later we were out and driving off to Sea-Tac where we parked the car and got on the shuttle bus to the airport (for some strange reason nearly every trip weapos;ve taken itapos;s been the same shuttle bus driver--and I�mean the�same)

So, once we were inside, past security, we went down towards our gate for the plane which would take us to Honolulu. Of course itapos;s about 7AM and we havenapos;t gotten to eat yet. Thankfully the flight didnapos;t board for another 30 minutes, giving us enough time to have breakfast and for me to take dramamine to help with motion sickness.

I slept half of that flight thanks to the dramamine. The flight was 6 hours long, cramped, and mildly annoying.

Once we arrived I was surprised to find the airport nothing like my last trip to any of the Hawaiian islands (on that trip we went to the big island, Hawaii) where the airport was really just a bunch of tarp coverings and a few chairs. There wasnapos;t much else. In fact there was only two or three tarp coverings.

However Honolulu International was much more like an�airport. Given it was entirely open air (I mean no windows, just gaps in the walls) but it at least was much larger, had shops, and a roof.

Plus it had a Quiznoapos;s. I�love Quiznoapos;s.

Since we arrived (around 12PM Honolulu time) we got to relax and have food since we werenapos;t due to board the rather large sitting area for an hour yet. I also got to download 3 games for the iPhone to keep me amused since my DS died on the previous flight and I forgot my charger xD

I also downloaded an app. So that I could check my e-mail (and thank heavens I did That thing�floods�by the time it reaches 3 or 4 PM back home)

Time flew by rather quickly however and soon we were onboard the plane and taking off. I slept about 1 hour only on that flight. After that I just listened to my iPod, and once we got my laptop plugged in (they had outlets yes) I used that for another 2 or 3 hours, working on a video I hope to finish before November. Itapos;s a GMV (Game Music Video)

So yeah, time was spent. It wasnapos;t until about a half-hour before landing that I dared look outside.

It was bright. The cabin was dark and made me thing it was nighttime.

It wasnapos;t.

We also took tons a few pictures of the sky since the clouds looked like a bunch of iceburgs in water; we were that high up.

The story getapos;s very short after this. We landed, went through customs (I got my first stamp in my passport awesome) exchanged money, got some snack foods (ice-cream and hot cocoa, my first "meal" in Japan) and proceeded to find the train.

We had quite the adventure thing trying to figure out�how�to use the ticket machines. Eventually we found one that translated to english. We had another short adventure in trying to figure out which train we wanted. We figured that out (vaguely) and boarded the train from Kansai International heading towards the JR, Osaka Loop Line.

We got off at the Tannoji Station and got on another train, taking it to the Osaka-jo Koen station where our hotel, The New Otani, was right across the street from.

We checked in, got some dinner, and went to sleep at 10PM Osaka time.

That was the end of the beginning of our trip.

amvets charities, am i schizophrenic quiz, am i schizophrenic test, am i season.

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